How to check for head lice

  • A diagnosis of head lice infection cannot be made with certainty unless a living, moving louse is found – no matter how many nits are present, how many reported cases there are in school or how bad the itch is
  • If somebody has nits it doesn’t necessarily mean they have head lice – when you have got rid of all the lice, the nits will remain stuck to the hair until they grow out or they are combed out
  • Parents should check their children’s hair regularly, ideally once a week – a good way for parents to remember this is ONCE A WEEK, TAKE A PEEK
  • Remember, the presence of head lice will not always cause people to itch straight away, it can take over a month before this symptom develops
  • It is best to check for head lice using a comb made for the purpose, ideally white so they can be easily seen and with teeth no more than 0.3mm apart in order to trap head lice – research has found detection combing was nearly four times more effective than visual inspection for finding live lice
  • Combing through the hair using a conditioner may make the process more comfortable
  • Good lighting is important and so is comfort
  • Checking for head lice shouldn’t be considered a big deal, it is just a normal part of a family’s personal hygiene routine like brushing teeth or washing hair

Good lighting when checking for head lice
is important

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