Record your learning

Once you have read through the training and completed the test on page 15, you can feel confident that you are providing the best possible advice for this common condition.

For pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, by reflecting on your learning and putting your knowledge into practice you should have the evidence required to make a CPD entry.

This will contribute towards the minimum of nine CPD entries per year, which reflect the context and scope of your job role. Use the questions below to help you reflect on what you have learnt and how it might affect your everyday work. Remember to record your learnings on the RPSGB website if you are registered Otherwise, it is good practice to record it in your ongoing learning and development folder.

  • What did I learn that was new?
  • How have I put this into practice? Provide examples of how learning has been applied.
  • Do I need to learn anything else in this area?


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